Saturday, March 03, 2007

I can't believe I can post, but the bad thing is that I don't really know how I did it. I have had lots of funny stories to tell when I couldn't post, but now that I can I don't know if I can think of any of them. On Valentine's night, Jay happened to find a red teddy (It is a mystery how it just happened to appear - we'll just say the teddy fairy.) He decided he would model it. First he was going to put it on over his clothes and I told him that it would never fit that way. To my surprise he dropped his pants, which was ok because he wears really long shirt tails. He looked pretty good, except his underwear was hanging out everywhere. He got him a "little skirt" as he called it - a piece of red tissue paper and used it to cover his buldge. Steve was pretending to video him. He was prissing around with a red rose in his mouth and we were all falling out laughing. When the show was over, he wanted to see himself in a mirror. He about died. He had no idea how he looked. He about had a panic attack when he started for his clothes and his pants had disappeared.
A few nights ago he tried to make Steve and I laugh by modeling a cute girl outfit complete with a huge bra, shoes, and hat. We didn't think it was a bit funny because he just looked very gay. He was disappointed that he had not amused us. A long time ago those things were funny, but now they just make us a little sick feeling.
That boy does some pretty funny stunts though. You never know what to expect.

I have been taking Steve and Angela for accupuncture to a Chinese doctor. He told Angela and I "she has many problems" but that he would try to fix her. We are very hopeful that she will not have to stay broken. He is very funny and the accupuncture is so amazing and interesting.

I guess I have failed to write a top notch blog so please accept my apologies. I'll try to do better next time. Read the comments on my last post to see how bad off I am.

My daughter who posts is in NYC and I am looking forward to spending one night with her before she returns to Czech. She will be home for Easter!!!!!!!!!!

Try to do something of value.

Love you all.


Blogger hannah/sk's mommy said...

Thank you for the sweet email. We are doing fine, and appreciate your prayers very much. I think we are finally getting back to normal after having the flu - yuck! Take care!

3/04/2007 12:09 PM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

I'm beginning to worry about this "Jay" boy. I don't know if he's the kind of boy who should procreate with the daughter who doesn't post. Think of those poor babies, bless their hearts! But I know how Susan has disappointed you in this area, so I guess you'll have to take what you can get. It's a good thing she's good at everything else!

3/05/2007 10:12 AM  
Blogger Meg said...

I saw a baby story today on TLC that reminded me of what Jay and Angela might be like if they were 19, Hispanic, and just had a baby. The guy was a total goof, and kept dancing around the baby to make it happy instead of actually doing anything for it. The girl kept trying to be helpful, but kept getting weak and having to stop - and she actually asked the camera guy to help her with something!

3/05/2007 2:26 PM  
Blogger hannah/sk's mommy said...

Are your posting problems from trying to switch over to the new Blogger? That was kind of tricky. Hannah says hello!

3/17/2007 10:53 AM  
Blogger Susan said...

I'd like to start by saying that Meg's comment is freaking hillarious. I can picture it now.

Then I'd like to move on to pointing out that Lily was supposed to postpone the grandchild fever for a while, but it turns out that doesn't work out so well when Nancy Jones has never even seen her in real life. We must correct this problem ASAP.

3/18/2007 1:46 PM  
Blogger Mammy said...

I checked to see why I hadn't got any comments on my last blog because it was a really good one. Much to my disappointment, and I'm sure to yours, it went to blog heaven or maybe to hell because it was not real nice. I hadn't been able to remember what it was about, but since I have started commenting I remember that it was Deal or No Deal at the first part. When I get time I will try to tell it again, but I can't remember the Jay story. Oh yes, about how our water pressure relates to infertility. Susan, see if it is lost somewhere in purgatory for me. It was long and I may not can do that well again.

3/23/2007 7:29 AM  
Blogger Susan said...

I found it! Crazy Mammy!

3/27/2007 10:58 AM  

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