Monday, January 08, 2007

They've Changed Everything in my Absence

I thought I was doomed and out of the blogging business when everything was changed, but I just kept thinking, "I think I can, I think I can... and I really did. Good job, Mammy.

By the way, if Meg's mammy is reading, go to and get you a blog. Just keep saying, "I think I can..." and you can get yourself all fixed up.

Well, if I had had only kept a spiral notebook handy and kept notes, I could have a great post. However, it has been too long for me to remember all of the funny things Steve Jones has said in his recent 3 hospital stays with his pain medication, etc. The laughs got me through the long days because you know that laughing is good medicine. He seems to be doing a good bit better.

He has resigned his metro church and maybe God will call us to a little loving and sane church. The resignation has taken much of my blog material. Steve is wanting to start doing supply work, instead of pastoring, and maybe that will lend itself to good writing material.

I have been very touched with the reports that I have been missed. I will try to do better now that I have to check on my daughter on the computer.

Angela indeed has a boyfriend. She has fallen pretty hard I think. And he is already splattered all over the ground. He seems very cwazy about her. Susan seems to think it is all just howwible, but I think it is probably a pretty good thing. Granny thinks it is wonderful. Actually I guess she thinks it is even better than the "four big hunks" she managed to get out on January 5-6, 2006. She was very proud of that accomplishment.

Granny bought herself a Christmas present - a battery operated scanner so "we can take it with us when we go somewhere." I know where I will be going - crazy! I hate scanners, especially all of that beeping noise, etc. I am to take her to get her blood checked this week, so I'm sure I will have an update on that soon.

I took Josh and Angela out to eat today. When we started to leave and they were scooting across the booth, Josh ended up flat on his butt. He hopped up super fast. When I commented on how fast he got up, he said he should have hopped up much faster - instantly - because of his Karate training. He is a Chuck Norris, Jr. mixed with Monk mixed with a very sweet boy, excuse me, he calls himself a man. I like him and it would be fine if he were my son-in-law someday. In some ways the two of them are very compatable, but their views are pretty opposite on many issues. Angela is very "postmodern"(I'm on top of things) compared to his ideas. I think their only hope would be to agree to disagree.

I have enjoyed Susan being home for the last ten weeks. She has some really At/100 friends that I have enjoyed hearing a few stories about (not too many - you know how you have to pick things out of her sometimes). I enjoyed spending some time with Meg and SES, but I'm sure it was so much more fun for them to spend quality time with The Mammy. (Has anyone got any information that I could read on the astronaut Lance Armstrong?)

Well, I have shot the bull long enough, I need to get back into the real world of dirty clothes and laundry.

I got an e-mail from Purity (for those of you who do not know her, she is a friend Susan met in Burma.) She needs $1,500 this week for her tuition. Please pray that God will provide it for her.

I love all of you and hope that you all accomplish many things of value in 2007!


Blogger Susan said...

I love you so much, Mammy.

You are very, very funny.

1/10/2007 2:37 AM  
Blogger Meg said...

I am so glad you posted. I am sending my mom a link!

Thanks again for hosting the New Year swar-eah. I am not sure how you really spell that word, but I spelled it like I say it - just like my public school education taught me to!

I need a Granny update!

1/10/2007 9:27 PM  
Blogger Mammy said...

Good for public education, especially in public schools filled with Christian teachers!!

1/11/2007 8:26 PM  

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