Thursday, October 05, 2006

How many times does someone have to accuse you of being crazy before you fulfill their prophecy?

1. Today I have been told that the wet drops falling on me from the sky had to be a bird because rain was not in the weather forecast. 2. After I had snapped on a lid, I was told that it didn't fit. 3. That the 24th is on Thursday not Tuesday. 4. I'm crazy because I didn't stop when I was driving down a four lane street and suddenly I hear "Stop sign" (It was for the side street that angles into the street I was on.) 5. I'm crazy because I don't know that '01 means 1001. Those are the only ones I can recall right now, but there were others.

On the way home from the shopping spree with Granny on Monday, she continued a major complaint she has had about the cats coming in HER back yard (she lives about twenty feet directly behind us) bothering her birds and her flowers. She had already had me to use ammonia sprinkled around to keep the cats out of the flower bed. But it hasn't kept them from thinking the mulch is a great pooping place and therefore keeping her blood pressure raised. She said that red pepper was supposed to work. So in an effort to have peace and lower her blood pressure, I sprinkled red pepper all over HER back yard.
On Tuesday, I took Granny for a walk around the yard. She told me to pick certain flowers and I did, took them in and put them in a little vase with water, set them on the table, and thought everything was fine.
But it wasn't. Yesterday she informed me that she had messed with the flowers and had gotten that old red pepper on her hands and then in her eyes. I just can't win.
Don't get the wrong impression - I do love Granny!


Blogger Jennifer said...

A whole week without a post? You were doing so well!

10/13/2006 1:08 PM  
Blogger Mammy said...

I've been so busy with my taxi cab service and handyman business. I am still way ahead of my younger daughter!! She just came in and said "YOU HAVE A BLOG?" I don't think she could believe that I could possibly have figured out how to do it. I'll try to do better.

10/15/2006 8:52 PM  

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