Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Jennifer Hasn't Had Anything to Read At Work

Jennifer, check my comments if you need to waste time at work. Maybe while Susan is taking a Hockey, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas Holiday, I can slip away with her and come see that adorable Lily. I'll give you a warning, so you can use your extra time at work to think up some good excuses.

Granny has not been in a very good mood lately. I don't know if she knows that. Yesterday I found it very amusing that she was complaining about the quality of pears that a lady at church gave me that she decided she wanted. Then she was raving on and on about a couple of more things (I have done so well that I have "Blank, blank, blanked" them out of my mind. The blanks are not for cursing, they are what Susan Banks would say as she would hit her forehead when she needed to forget something.)
Anyway back to my story, after three complaints one right after the other and during them I had started peeling her pears, she asked "Where is that little song you are always humming?" I just said I guess I've already hummed it out today. I didn't bother to explain that I couldn't hum and hold my breath at the same time. I was already holding my breath to keep from making a comment I didn't need to make.

Also yesterday it was rather amusing that I asked her if she wanted to ride to the bank with me. When I left the bank she asked what else I was going to do. I told her we could go to the $ Store if she wanted to. Much to my disappointment, she did. We trudged through it for well over an hour. That poking around and stopping and waiting wears me out. I'm talking about just a little Dollar General Store. Meg, does your grandmother think everything should be priced like it were in 1950? Now none of that is the amusing part, but this is the amusing part. On the way home, approximately two hours after we had left, she looked at the clock and commented "How does the time get away so FAST when we are out together?"

The latest boring act in my life is carrying mulch from a big pile in a 5 gal. bucket to all parts of the yard. Some men were cutting trees from around the electricity lines across the road and was chewing it up and spitting it into a big truck (with a machine). I went and asked if they needed a place nearby to unload their truck, so they dumped me a truck load of mulch out. That big pile is going down about like Granny navigates through the $ Store - (very, very slowly.)

Well, I better close now because I just took a cat nap. Next thing I know, I will have lost this important post like I did the other night.

Jennifer, I'll give you a little warning what it will be like 30 years from now if Josh keeps teaching. Like Josh, Steve was very intelligent when he started teaching, but somewhere along the way little by little something happens. The other night Steve came to bed and started coughing and tossing, etc. and was just keeping the bed bouncing. I told him I didn't know we were to have an earthquake and he said I had better watch out there might be an eruption. I told him I had said an earthquake, not a volcano. He just said, "Oh" and started laughing.
Oh well, as Angela would say, "Earthquake, volcano, what's the difference if any."


Blogger Meg said...

Yes yes yes!!! Not only does she think that things should be priced like its 1953, she has developed this really bad habit of picking something up (usually in Big Lots) and saying "Well, I've just never seen anything like that before." Which could be true....because Big Lots does have A LOT of stuff no one has seen before or really needs to buy - but its NEVER with that stuff. You turn around and shes always holding something totally normal that she has used for years like printed papertowels or hand soap in a pump bottle!

10/06/2006 7:04 PM  

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