Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Mammy's Boring Life

Mammy's Boring Life Is Not So Boring With A Blog

I am a people pleaser, even though I most of all would like to be and strive to be a God-pleaser. I really enjoy and feel so wonderful when I get compliments, which is probably not all that often - usually just in connection with food I cook. I guess that is about all I am that good at doing. However, the blog comments make me feel happy like compliments do. I'm not so dumb as to believe the comments are compliments, but some of them are positive acknowledgments. And just any kind of acknowledgment is good to me these days.

My daughters have made my day a good one already. Angela got up before 6:00 all by herself, which is a regular habit of hers these days, to go to work. Even more amazing and wonderful is that she is thinking of driving a van of children to school every morning. Whether or not she does it, does not matter to me, but it makes me so happy that she can even consider doing that now. A year ago that would have been an outrageous thing to even consider. She is such a different person than a year ago, and I love the difference. I am so thankful.

Susan has also made my day. I called her and she shocked me by answering. She sounded so good and seemed great. Also I read a quote on my e-mail saying the small daily differences can sort of accumulate. That gave me hope that maybe my life had not been and is not such a waste. It made me feel like maybe my life is not quite so boring. Also, I found Sparkfly (I hope I remember the correct name.) I read some of it and hope to read more. It made me feel good immediately because it said it was for old women too. It didn't say for boring women, but I figure they just forgot to put that one in their long list. They better watch out because I guess I will feel compelled to add my comments.

I guess I need to go. I have medicine to pick up for Granny and bills to take to the post office. I need to go to the dump to unload some old landscaping timbers I loaded up from church. I need to take my lawnmower to get it fixed, (I am very hard on lawnmowers and men, well actually man - I tear up both way before their time. I must go and buy salt for our wonderful Rainsoft water
filter. Maybe a trip to the chiropractor would be helpful also. See my boring life, not one of these things is a very worthy thing to do. However while I do them, I will look for some little tiny difference I can make to someone. I am sure there will be a little lonely lady that I can smile at and talk to for a moment - that almost always happens.

I love all you bloggers. Oh, and the most important thing on my to do list is to look for the new pictures of sweet little Lily. If I lived close to her, we could eliminate my boring life.


Blogger Jennifer said...

Nancy, I love you. Your blog is a wonderful addition to my list of blogs I check daily. I don't really know why I check everyday. no one ever updates.
I'm glad that you enjoy Lily's pictures. I'm sorry that I haven't been posting more, but I broke my easy share printer in an unfortunate crafting accident. There's less motivation to take pictures when the instant gratification of printing them is gone. I'm trying to do better.
I hope that you can see Lily some day. It's all Susan's fault that you haven't. Who goes to seminary? And then who goes to seminary in Prague? Whatever.

9/19/2006 10:45 AM  
Blogger Mammy said...

Thanks, Jennifer. I love you and Lily and Josh too. Maybe you and Josh can take a vacation sometime and I could keep Lily. I guess we would have to fight grandmothers though. I will update, but I guess it will be boring. Love you.

9/20/2006 1:38 AM  

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