Monday, February 05, 2007

Mammy's Boring Life

It's been pretty boring lately. We all keep being sick. The newest development is Josh, Angela's boyfriend, is hooked on us playing games at night. One night Angela and Steve went on to bed, and we kept playing Parchessi until he finally won more games than me and I made him go home, like at 2.

A few nights ago all four of us were playing spades. Steve was popping off saying ugly things about me and Josh would die laughing. Then Angela would say Josh! in a hateful voice and he would hush as quickly as he started. That happened over and over. Every time he could completely turn it off. I asked him how he could turn it off like that and he said he just thought of death. I wondered if he was thinking of his own death if he didn't. He is absolutely crazy about Angela. She has been having lots of headaches lately and he will just sit on the floor while she sleeps on the couch and watch her. I'll hear him say, "She's beautiful, just beautiful." Angela eats up all of that beautiful stuff and also that she has him henpecked.
Last Thursday, Bob, Deb, and Ashton came to see us. Steve built up this story that my daddy had pulled on him about this hard thing to do that only young, strong males could do. So he with his Karate body relunctantly accepted the challenge. He had to get down in the floor about three feet from the couch on his all fours, Raise one leg over to the couch, and then was told to bark. Everyone laughed and then Ashton, four years old, said "Josh looks like a dog peeing." That topped off the whole thing. It was a good laugh for everyone.

I have one little Jay story. Saturday, I heard him ask his girlfriend who had a knife in her hand, if she thought she could ever cut off a penis. She said, "Yep, I'm just that kind of girl" and chopped the knife down really hard. He started cringing and quickly left the room. I think he might have believed her. I started to tell him that she would do that only after she had her babies, but I just decided to let him worry. I wonder where he comes up with his questions.
One night, I overheard him say that wasn't any good, he couldn't get any sensations. When I investigated, she had cut a small hole in a paper for his lips to poke through to try to keep his whiskers from sticking her when they kissed. Friday night she made him go in the bathroom and she shaved him. He yelled and carried on something awful and that was before the knife story. After the knife story, she probably couldn't have shaved him. Now, don't be misled, get it straight, she was shaving his face. She was going to pluck his eyebrows too, but he escaped.

Speaking of escaping, I have worn out my esc key on my computer, but I am still here - no way of escape for me.

Do something of value today or tomorrow if it's bedtime. Love all of you.


Blogger Heather said...

I have just read your most recent posts--they have made my day. Your life certainly is not boring. I laughed so hard I could barely breathe. Thanks for making me smile!

2/05/2007 11:01 AM  
Blogger Mammy said...

Glad to do it, Heather! You made my day too.

2/05/2007 10:17 PM  

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