Thursday, January 11, 2007

An Unusual Request

I am not sure that I can get by with telling this, but I'll give it a try. I'll not use names to protect the innocent or the naive or both. This man with which I have become acquainted came in to my kitchen a few nights ago and was following me from the kitchen to the dining room, back and forth as I was trying to clear up all of the dirty dishes. His first comment was a loud "Hit me in the groin." Immediatley I said "What?" and he repeated his request repeatedly. Finally I said "Go in there and let Steve do it." He replied "OK then, if you're not going to do it, I'll do it to myself." I just sort of started trying not to look at him very much. But I did glance out of the corner of my eye to notice that he had doubled up his fist and hit himself pretty hard, much harder than I would have ever had courage to do. At that moment we were in the dining room. (At some point right before the attack, he had told me that he was wearing a cup to protect himself.) As soon as he had hit himself, he said "Hey, that still sort of hurt a little bit." By the time he had followed me back into the kitchen, he was doubled over in pain. I'm pretty ignorant about cups, but I wonder if he needed a larger cup size. Maybe Oprah needs to do a segment for men about measuring correctly for a cup size.

The next morning, I thought someone had left a Walmart sack of trash close to the door. However inside of it, I found what I would guess was a "cup". He had told me that he was going to start wearing a cup for protection all of the time, but obviously he must have changed his mind. I didn't examine it, but I would guess that a cup would be even more uncomfortable than a huge extra absorbent Kotex from the old days. The way he doubled over maybe a Kotex would have been more beneficial to him; it would have padded him pretty good.

I took Granny to the grocery store yesterday. It was such a crime that she had to pay $.62 for a rotten little head of cabbage and a can of cherry pie filling was almost $3. and it used to be way less than $1. I wonder if she remembers what minimum wage was back then.

I feel very bad from bronchitis and a sore throat, etc. I guess I'll call it quits for now.

Do something of value tomorrow!!


Blogger Meg said...

Wow. That's really all I can come up with. Wow.

1/13/2007 4:28 PM  
Blogger Susan said...

Someone needs to explain to "that boy" that my sister is mainly keeping him around for one reason and that if he keeps hitting himself in the groin, that reason will be out of the equation.

1/14/2007 4:32 AM  

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