Monday, January 15, 2007

A New Secret Weapon: A Commode Plunger

[Here's the draft she lost. -The Jones Family Blogging Consultant]

Mammy's Boring Life

Yes, it's true with a certain person that has become part of my life, and no it's not my secret lover.

I had to get the commode plunger out a few days ago. I think they are really nasty, but to my surprise I have found someone that really looks upon it as I would a snake.

After I used the plunger, I cleaned it with toilet bowl cleaner and put it in two plastic bags. When it dried, I put it in a paper sack and a clean garbage bag and tied it up. It stays in a cabinet by itself upstairs, but I had set it at the bottom of the stairs until my next trip up - got bad knees.


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