Monday, September 25, 2006

Do you want to know how boring Mammy's life is?

Mammy's life is so boring that she went to sleep after she had written a long blog and lost it all. She was about to hit publish and went to sleep again. Who knows what happened, but all of those tales are lost forever. I guess it was because I wasn't being a very god wife. I told about calling my husband to tell him I locked my keys in the truck just as we were finished mowing the church's grass. He told me to call back because he was taking a nap. Two hours later I called and asked if he was still sleeping. He said Angela was coming to get me in a little while. I had plenty of time to EVERTHING swept so I swept it all.

I was the taxi to Birmingham today and Nashville tomorrow. This taxi driver goes to sleep on the blog and swerves way, way over and almost falls out of the seat. Since she has no seat belt and can only drive on two wheels, she better hit publish and hit the sack. Love all of you that might be reading. Jennifer, you have not been commenting - too boring, I guess for you to think of a comment.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

To Sweep the Sidewalk or Not And To Clean the Oven or Not

We are to cut the church grass tomorrow afternoon. I need to decide whether I should sweep the sidewalk. The janitor announced last Wed. night (while his wife was in the restroom!!) that he and his wife were going to be looking for a new church home, but that he would finish out the month cleaning the church (we had already given him an advance so he could pay the utility bill). I guess if I am not too tired, I will sweep the sidewalk.
That might keep him from having a stroke, heart attack, or asthma attack. Of course, it would be debatable if his cigarettes or sweeping would do any of those things.
I did make it to the dump today and to get Granny's medicine. I had to let some of the other stuff stay undone again today because we had to take a very important field trip - Granny and I had to take a walk in the yard to see the flowers and all the interesting mushrooms. Do you think that would count for making a small difference? A couple of weeks ago, I read an article in Charles Stanley's magazine that a lady that was taking care of her dying elderly mother wrote. She seemed to think that she was making a big difference - maybe she just has a way better self-concept than I have. I am just hoping for a little tiny difference. I was just about to say that I feel sure that I would have an eternal reward for what I do, but I guess I just lost it. Granny called. Nothing would do, but for me to set the oven to self clean earlier tonight. I told her it would be real hot and would probably stink, but that was fine. It had to be done according to her. I explained that it would take several hours and it would cut itself off. She asked questions and we went back over it. I told her it would take several hours to get it clean. Now she has turned it all off to get the smell out of the house before she goes to bed and because it is too hot even with the air "condition" and two fans going. She needs to know how to get the door lock to go off. Can she go to bed with the door locked? She had to know what I was doing and when I told her I was typing on the computer she was very concerned that would just make my shoulders and back hurt. It sort of makes me wonder what is on her list for me for tomorrow.

Well, a week ago we had six for Wed. night, but after the split we only had four tonight.

Angela came in with a promotion. She is now the "real teacher for the red room" (3 yr. olds) and has the major responsibility before going to the red room of driving the school aged children's van to school. She is also teaching Mission Friends on Wed. nights. She has a set of twins that are sooooooooo funny. Susan and I are trying to get her to post on her blog, but she is just too busy. I'll have to tell you a little. Sunday morning one of them said "We have to sit on our bottoms for Jesus" and tonight "It makes Jesus happy for us to stay in the lines when we color" (By the way, Angela is still going to a traditional Southern Baptist Church. Just wanted to make sure you weren't reading too much into the comments.)

I wonder if it makes Jesus happy when we clean our ovens? Well, I guess we didn't make Jesus happy any way you look at it because it didn't stay on long enough to clean it. But we can try again.

I need some comments - it doesn't matter what. It doesn't even have to make sense. Or you can even say one thing and then make another comment and say exactly the opposite. I will be very comfortable with any of that.

I love blogging and most of all, the bloggers!

P.S. Did you notice that I did the title correctly? Susan informed me that it would make more sense that way. (I didn't know or I guess I had just forgotten that it really mattered any more to some people if things made sense.)

Mammy's Boring Life

Only One Task Accomplished From My List: Looking at Lily's pictures

Lists are a must in my life because it is fairly busy even though it is boring. If I don't have a list, I forget what I need to do or more often what everyone else wants me to do. But on the other hand to do lists seem to take days and sometimes weeks to get done. I was all ready to get everything on my list checked off until the phone rang. I knew it was coming, but I thought it might wait a while.
If I go a few days without really spending any time with my mother-in-law, Granny, she will "invent" a way so that I will. I need to start watching a TV program every day with her or something easy like that. Nevertheless, she called to say that we really needed to redo the green tomato relish we made about a week ago TODAY! (This is really a Marie/Mammy story.) The reason we needed to redo it was that it was so salty, you couldn't stand to eat it. The reason it was too salty was that she was doing the salting. You cut up the tomatoes, onions, and peppers (my dictated job) and then layer them with salt (her chosen job). She kept on saying "you can't get too much salt in this" ... "it looks like this would be so salty that you couldn't eat it, but you just can't get too much salt" and all the time she was pouring an unreal amount of salt in it. We had less than two gal. and she used a 1 and 1/2 boxes of salt in it. Needless to say, YOU CAN PUT TOO MUCH SALT IN IT! When we started to pour the salt water off of it to cook it, white layers of salt were everywhere. I asked Granny if we might need to rinse it off, but she said "No, you don't do that!" I slipped and rinsed some of it when she wasn't looking, but not nearly enough. So today we had to pour each jar out one at a time, rinse it off and let it soak in water a little while, then heat it up with more vinegar and sugar. I still don't know why we had to do it one jar at a time. I guess because I had to stay longer that way. When we finished and I got the kitchen cleaned up, I went outside (my refuge these days) and tied up my tomato plants and did some weedeating. Granny came to the door and asked about cooking some potatoes and cornbread to go with some peas she had cooked today. I said that would be good. When I went in to get her trash she was trying to peel the potatoes. I finished supper and we ate. By the time I finished cleaning the kitchen, she had managed to get about six hours of companionship. Bless her heart; I'm really not complaining. I figure that by the time I get 80, well change that to 60 or 65, (I doubt I live a long life), I will know lots of ways to try to talk someone into keeping me company. I will be posting notes on my blog begging the MeeMaws to write to me - LONG notes - that I can read over and over again.

I guess my one small difference today was in keeping Granny company and helping her. That seems to be what I am supposed to do, and I am trying and praying that I can be content in every situation.

Well, I have three new additions to my list. Maybe I can get everything checked off tomorrow, but probably not. Oh well, I don't have to go to a job; I'll get it done sometime or die trying to get it done.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Mammy's Boring Life

Mammy's Boring Life Is Not So Boring With A Blog

I am a people pleaser, even though I most of all would like to be and strive to be a God-pleaser. I really enjoy and feel so wonderful when I get compliments, which is probably not all that often - usually just in connection with food I cook. I guess that is about all I am that good at doing. However, the blog comments make me feel happy like compliments do. I'm not so dumb as to believe the comments are compliments, but some of them are positive acknowledgments. And just any kind of acknowledgment is good to me these days.

My daughters have made my day a good one already. Angela got up before 6:00 all by herself, which is a regular habit of hers these days, to go to work. Even more amazing and wonderful is that she is thinking of driving a van of children to school every morning. Whether or not she does it, does not matter to me, but it makes me so happy that she can even consider doing that now. A year ago that would have been an outrageous thing to even consider. She is such a different person than a year ago, and I love the difference. I am so thankful.

Susan has also made my day. I called her and she shocked me by answering. She sounded so good and seemed great. Also I read a quote on my e-mail saying the small daily differences can sort of accumulate. That gave me hope that maybe my life had not been and is not such a waste. It made me feel like maybe my life is not quite so boring. Also, I found Sparkfly (I hope I remember the correct name.) I read some of it and hope to read more. It made me feel good immediately because it said it was for old women too. It didn't say for boring women, but I figure they just forgot to put that one in their long list. They better watch out because I guess I will feel compelled to add my comments.

I guess I need to go. I have medicine to pick up for Granny and bills to take to the post office. I need to go to the dump to unload some old landscaping timbers I loaded up from church. I need to take my lawnmower to get it fixed, (I am very hard on lawnmowers and men, well actually man - I tear up both way before their time. I must go and buy salt for our wonderful Rainsoft water
filter. Maybe a trip to the chiropractor would be helpful also. See my boring life, not one of these things is a very worthy thing to do. However while I do them, I will look for some little tiny difference I can make to someone. I am sure there will be a little lonely lady that I can smile at and talk to for a moment - that almost always happens.

I love all you bloggers. Oh, and the most important thing on my to do list is to look for the new pictures of sweet little Lily. If I lived close to her, we could eliminate my boring life.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Mammy's Boring Life

Mammy's Boring Life

I think I found the right thing to write a blog post, if only I had something interesting to write.

I am the proud mother of two responsible adults now. My older called and took care of two "business" type things. My younger brought home a beautiful first pay check. I love them both so much and I'm so proud of both of them.

Some of you may think you know lots about churches, but I can give you some details about things that you probably never knew existed. I think I may be writing Guiness World Book of Records. Our little church just got even smaller. On Wednesday night, counting Steve and I, we had a grand total of 6 in attendance. There was a difference of opinion during the business meeting and the church split. If you think members get on each other's nerves in a medium or large-sized church, you don't know anything until you go to a micro mini church. Then it is important that the person that mows the grass blows it off the sidewalk, so that the person who cleans the church doesn't have to sweep the sidewalk. Also it becomes very important to decide what kind of information goes and does not go on a church sign. We'll see what takes place on Sunday.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

This may be the last

I may never figure out how to post comments, but maybe I might.

I love all of you bloggers.
I am not sure how I did all of this. I was just trying to write a comment on Angela's blog, and then I couldn't because I was not a blogger. This might add a little spark to my boring life.

I think I may have a blog