Monday, September 25, 2006

Do you want to know how boring Mammy's life is?

Mammy's life is so boring that she went to sleep after she had written a long blog and lost it all. She was about to hit publish and went to sleep again. Who knows what happened, but all of those tales are lost forever. I guess it was because I wasn't being a very god wife. I told about calling my husband to tell him I locked my keys in the truck just as we were finished mowing the church's grass. He told me to call back because he was taking a nap. Two hours later I called and asked if he was still sleeping. He said Angela was coming to get me in a little while. I had plenty of time to EVERTHING swept so I swept it all.

I was the taxi to Birmingham today and Nashville tomorrow. This taxi driver goes to sleep on the blog and swerves way, way over and almost falls out of the seat. Since she has no seat belt and can only drive on two wheels, she better hit publish and hit the sack. Love all of you that might be reading. Jennifer, you have not been commenting - too boring, I guess for you to think of a comment.


Blogger Heather said...

I'm sorry I haven't commented yet. Apparently I've been out of the loop because I just realized you had a blog. And I'm so glad that you do! I want to say that your life is not boring--at least not to me. I'm awed that you have lists and that you get so many things done. I can tell just by reading your posts that you make a difference every day. Three cheers for Nancy Jones!

9/27/2006 9:24 AM  
Blogger Susan said...

She does get a lot done. It's how I learned my part of the Susan and Heather Cleaning Hurricane that tends to overtake things at the end of Mee-Maw parties.

9/28/2006 4:13 PM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

If I comment, will you continue to post? I don't have anything to read while I'm supposed to be working!

10/03/2006 11:44 AM  
Blogger Mammy said...

Thanks for the comments. Keep them coming!! You make me feel much more important and younger too.

10/04/2006 12:54 AM  

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